while I slept

a poem

Photo by Krista Mangulsone on Unsplash
The smell of a new book


on your pillow
held in your hand
your skin, your sleep, your scent

orange blossom nectar tea
from deeply exhaled breaths
painted on paper leaves

while I slept
curling my toes
curling my toes into warm dens of soft places

while I slept
you held and read and breathed
and painted

while I slept
stretching my legs
stretching my legs into the heat you left there

left there, where you had lain





crisp paper leaves and cracked bindings
books in bed
blossoms and breaths

while I slept
curling my toes
stretching my legs
warming my chill

in your absence, in your essence.

© Ashlan Isadore McHugh 2019

